IHTIROM : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
IHTIROM is a Journal of Islamic Education Management, first published in 2022 with a biannual frequency, releasing in April and October each year. The journal is published by the Islamic Education Management program of Al-Utsmani Islamic College Bondowoso. Its publication serves as a platform for exchanging information and scholarly works among faculty members, alumni, students, readers, and scholars interested in Islamic Education Management.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Journal of Islamic Education Management
Published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Al-Utsmani Islamic College Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia. -
I'THISOM : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
I’THISOM is a Sharia Economics journal, first published in 2022 with a biannual frequency, released each in April and October. The journal is published by the Sharia Economics study program of Al-Utsmani Islamic School of Higher Education, Bondowoso. The journal's publication aims to serve as a platform for exchanging information and scholarly works among faculty members, alumni, students, readers, and observers of Sharia Economics.
AL-KHIDMAT : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Al-Khidmat: Journal of Community Engagement, established in 2024 and published twice yearly, is a scholarly publication of the Research and Community Service Institute, Al-Utsmani Islamic College Bondowoso. It aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders engaged in community service.
Al-Khidmat: Journal of Community Engagement is a multidisciplinary journal aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts and research outcomes in the domain of community service. The journal focuses on the primary challenges of community engagement, including (1) training, marketing, appropriate technology, design; (2) student community service; (3) community empowerment, social access; (4) education for sustainable development, and more.